Meet Nicole.

Nicole loves teaching women to become safe, licensed PEI drivers so much that she opened Queens Driving School, PEI's first and only driving school for self-identifying women.

Nicole is a highly qualified, PEI government certified in-car and in-class driving instructor. She also holds the nationally recognized SSNS Driving Instructor certification.

Nicole also has a Class 6 motorcycle license and Class 2 bus license. 

She loves taking solo road trips to other provinces and is passionate about teaching women how to safely create such independence in their lives. 

Nicole is dedicated to teaching the most current driving techniques and road regulations to help women become independent, safe drivers who have confidence to face any situation on the road.  

Contact Nicole

Freedom. Safety. Easy. Fun.

See how Queens Driving School takes the stress and fear out of driving.

Call  (902) 940-4427
or Email Us